About Us

Katrina and Teddy during the Off Leash Freedom graduation hike, Summer 2021.

Meet the trainer

Katrina brings a unique experience to her dog training business: she's dog savvy, she's patient, and she has a deep understanding of canine communication. She understands dogs and helps to bridge the gap between dogs & their people. Additionally, she has extensive knowledge in animal welfare and is a graduate of the University of Edinburgh's Master of Science program, having studied International Animal Welfare, Ethics and Law.

Katrina grew up with hound dogs and mixed breed mutts, and was working as a dog walker and pet sitter before she could have an actual job. In 2014, she adopted Camille, the dog that catapulted her into dog training. Without knowing, she had adopted Camille with some serious aggression issues. With management and training, Camille was able to live a quality life, fulfilled with her canine companions, until her last days in 2019.

Currently, Katrina shares her life with her group of animals. Some of her canine training assistants include Teddy, pictured left, a high energy Labrador mix, and Midge, a laid back American Pit Bull Terrier.

Robin MacFarlane (Your Dogs Hero), Katrina, and Amie Sadler (Dogs Playing for Life) at a recent workshop hosted by Robin & Amie, February 2023.

Training Qualifications & Associations